Lord Of The Rings - Comments and Message Board

In reading this article on epic movies The Lord of the Ring, I was reminded of my own journey into Middle Earth. I read the books right before the first movie came out and resolved not to see it because I was afraid it would not stay true to the spirit of Mr. Tolkien's story. One night, shortly after the movie hit video, my beloved husband brought it home on tape. Very skeptically I put the tape in and sat down, quite ready to be disappointed. How wrong I was! I was enthralled from the beginning and didn't take my eyes from the screen until the end. My children, too, couldn't have loved it more! And the rich lessons we learned from seeing the stories done so well were innumerable! Soon, I began looking on the Net for any and all information on the movies. I found theonering.net and it wasn't long before I was on it every day, learning about the cast, who I firmly believe were born for these roles. They were all perfect for them. Needless to say, I am amazed that, years later, I find myself relishing the article I just read on this site so very much. I am still very interested in the cast and the story. I really appreciated the synopsis of the different cultures and characters and their actors. It was very well done, and, once again, brought back so many fond memories of a time when my great desire was to walk Middle Earth fulfilling my destiny. Thanks. Liz

Posted 18 years 1 month ago by servantofall36

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