Leah Remini on Scientology Split: What's the Big Deal Y'all? - Comments and Message Board

The cult does not forgive or forget. It works and runs like the Mafia. The Office of Special Affairs (OSA) is actually a dept of revenge. It will keep on file on everyone classed as PTS or SP. All Celebrities have a file and/or folder for future revenge attacks. It will expose ALL your sins and secrets which you told your auditor in session and in their security checks, and in their amnesty confessionals. They will tell you that if you confess your un-declared sins now, your punishments will be less later. Everything you in say in any kind of session is recorded by the auditor and then the case supervisor sees it. But if it has crimes or anything that can be used later against you, it will be sent to the OSA and put in your Blackmail File. Here is the best part; Ex-staff members that worked for OSA are now posing as the leaders of the Independent Scientology Movement. These even audited many Celebrities and know their sins and secrets, and betrayed their trust. The Latin Liberal that was fired from the Village Voice made them famous and now they are being used by the liberal media as the spokesmen for many stories. All Celebrities are in danger of their confessionals being exposed when it suits the cult. The cult DOES record electronically all celebrities’ auditing sessions in the Celebrity Centers! Everything in your written file can and will be changed to make it worse than what you confessed to. If you are not a Celebrity you run the risk of being imprisoned in the Rehabilitation project Force (RPF) camps. All missing staff members or relatives of staff members will be found there. Here is another fact, the Cult has FOUR RPF camps. One is known, but the others are where the dangerous VIPs are hidden. These false traitorous OSA ex-staff members know all of this and have betrayed us all. http://theronbothunter.wordpress.com/2013/03/01/every-fraud-scam-dirty-trick-ttreason-and-crime-by-scientology-exposed/ THE RONBOT HUNTER ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Posted 10 years 9 months ago by THE RONBOT HUNTER


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